Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Busy, busy busy!

Well, it's been a busy week here at Scenic New York. We are transitioning away from a POD (print on demand) fulfilment company to doing everything ourselves. Because of this, we are finding whole new doors opening as far as products we can offer! We have added some really fun new Christmas ornaments like these:

White beach glass (if you hang this by lights, it actually glows):

Log Cabin Christmas Ornament:

And new pendants based on our photos as well, like this:

Adirondack Sunset glass tile pendant:

Of course, we still have mousepads with our photos, as well as various print sizes, but it has been fun learning how to make new thing we have never been able to offer before too. We are still working on building our website (http://www.scenicnewyorkstate.com/) but for now it's still redirecting to our Etsy shop. It's been helpful to have Etsy, because it gives us a place to list and test new product ideas to decide which items will eventually end up on our website.

We haven't had too many chances to go out and photograph new things lately. We have made some time to visit the beach and collect more beach glass though, so we can make those seaglass Christmas ornaments like the white one above. We've also started listing a few pieces that are wire warpped and can be worn as a pendant on a necklace or even hung on a Christmas tree (the lights make the glass glow, it's just beautiful).

Well, it's time to get back to work! Please stop by our shop on etsy (http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7307276) to see all the new products and beautiful photographs from Scenic New York!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Let me tell you a little about us. Scenic New York is a husband and wife business that is dedicated to sharing the beauty of New York state with the world. We are photographers, and this is our main medium, but we also make some handmade crafts from items either bought or found here in NY. For instance, we are selling these handmade crafts made from beach glass and driftwood in our Etsy shop:

And of course, different items that we make from our photos, like journals, bookmarks and mousepads-not just prints.

We are working on building our own website, www.scenicnewyorkstate.com but for now, we are offering a preview of the photographs and crafts we will be offering for sale in our Etsy store, www.scenicnewyork.etsy.com .

We will use this blog to let everyone know about upcoming products, our adventures in getting our materials and photographs, and updates on our site.