Saturday, August 29, 2009

Long time no blog!

Things have been a little hectic here in Scenic New York. We haven't been out to shoot any photos in about a month it seems, and the weather doesn't think we should be doing any time this weekend either (raining-AGAIN). The supply shop, is picking up and we sold some pinecones and driftwood out of the main shop recently too. Looks like other artists are gearing up for fall craft show season and holiday shopping by getting their supplies ordered! We are still working on building behind the scenes, but it looks like it won't be live for a few months. That's about all I have for now, just wanted to get a blog in since it's been a while!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Wind surfing on Lake Erie!

We went up to the lake this past week, on a hunt for the little shells we use in these ornaments:

On the way up to the beach where we collect most of them (we call it "shell beach", I don't know if it has a proper name), we passed the beach in Hamburg where they were wind surfing (I think I've also heard this called kite surfing). This looks like a real blast, but I bet it takes some real upper body strength! Watch the first video, to the right at the end-the guy gets pulled out of the water and flies at least 10 feet into the air!

We did manage to collect some shells before a serious storm blew in and chased us off the beach with wind, rain and lightening. We decided to head north to Lake Ontario where it looked bright and sunny-then another storm blew in from the north and chased us home! We actually came home to find our power was knocked out. We should have plenty of shells and beach glass for the ornaments though!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Drilling beach glass!

Well, I wanted to be able to do more with the beach glass. My first attempts turned out fine, and I'm no longer nervous about it. It was no where near as hard as I thought it was going to be! I did some shells too.

I will be sending these pieces along with a few more to a fellow Sneak Attack team member from Etsy, Michiganhemp ( ). I can do simple wire wrapping and find the glass, now I can even drill it, but I am not a jewelry artist. These pieces will be turned into something wonderful in her hands! I'll post photos when I get the two I am keeping for myself back.

We haven't had too many "adventures" lately, the weather this year has been just aweful. We did manage to make it up to the lake last night in time to watch a beautiful sunset and photograph it. You can enjoy the serenity of the sunset on a nearly 2 minute video on our youtube channel here .

We listed a gorgeous mousepad with a photo as well: