Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pre-season sales, future plans, recent trips

We're running big sales in the supply shop, as well as a great early bird sale in the main shop. Here's hoping for a great Christmas for everyone! The supply shop can be found here: and the main shop at .

Well, since the bank told us no dice on that farm, we've been discussing what the next step is. We've decided that whether we can find a way to buy that place or not, we want a small (8+ acre) farm. We know we'd like to raise Christmas trees, gourds and lavender, as well as continue collecting and selling natural supplies and taking photos that we sell. To grow the things we want as well as to grow the supply shop, we need more space than our little place now has. It's been a wonderful home and will make someone else a cozy nest, but we've outgrown it. We don't want to move in the winter, so we'll pick up where we left off in the hunt in late winter/early spring.

We still haven't taken any great photography trips recently. It's been a rainy gloomy year and we haven't had a lot of time to drive around. We have gone on a few supply collection safaris though, although nothing spectacular has happened. We're collecting like squirrels for the winter though, since we won't be able to get any supplies for months while the snow flies. Hopefully the snow brings some nice photographic opportunities to us this winter and we can add some great new shots to the main shop!

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